
Friday, March 11, 2011

YouTube Adventure!

Craig and I have put together quite an interesting Math Video! It is definitely interactive with lots of different videos with all sorts of links. At first it seemed really complicated, but in the end it was quite easy! I am amazed at all the stuff that YouTube has to offer to add to you videos. I had no idea! I will be sure to show these tools to anyone I know that is looking to make videos and publish them. So Easy! If you want help I will be happy to give a quick demo.

Now without further ado...  Parallelograms with Sheil and Benware


  1. I had so much fun putting this together with you. I hope that this goes over well with your students.

  2. Great Job Craig and Amanda. I really enjoyed your interactive video! I would love to do that for my students. Which we could get the school to allow youtube. I guess I could always create a video like this and assign it has a homework assignment. Well done! You two are funny especially when working with each other.

  3. This is very engaging!!! I chose the chair the first time to see what would happen.... yikes! Great Job!!

  4. I bet they'll love it! It came out great! I especially liked the chicken when you get the answer wrong.

  5. Amanda –
    The “Benware and Sheil Adventure” is a hit! Both you and Craig provide a creative, yet informative video adventure on Geometry and Parallelograms. Who could have guessed that math could be so fun and entertaining while also teaching key information in a visual manner? You both exceeded my expectations on this project. Nice work!
