
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Twitter and Ed Chat

I have been following numerous technology names on Twitter and I am loving it. Twitter has become a huge resource center for me. I am following people that not only like to communicate about education, but also like to share. I have found numerous links to tools and resources that I can use in my classroom and also share with other teachers to use in there's. I am very excited about twitter and the potential it has. However, there are times when I find twitter overwhelming. Some people that I follow tweet A LOT! I find this frustrating because it makes some of their material seem less valuable because it is done so often. I would prefer that they wait and tweet about something really exciting. This way you know it is something good. I tend to skim over the obsessive tweeters because I don't think that their stuff is as valuable. I do find things here and there, but they are not the ones that I look at as closely as others. I also participated in the edchat about 2 weeks ago. O boy! This was an amazing experience. It was overwhelming at first because it was hard to keep up, but the amount of information and discussion that was happening was awesome. I was so happy to see educators discussing change and their opinions about it. I did not feel the need to respond because I did not feel I had a valuable opinion worth sharing. I hope that as I participate more that I will feel confident sharing my thoughts on the issue. As much as I loved the idea of edchat and educators speaking of change one thing did get to me. I feel that this is the first step to making change, talking about it, however when will we get to the next step, actually doing it. Will this just happen one day? or do we need to have an uprising of educators and politicians to make this change? I am not sure the answer to this and it is what I ponder often. How I would love to see education reform, but how? when? Edchat got me thinking about these things and I will continue to follow in order to continue thinking...


  1. Hi Amanda -
    I have some of the same feelings as you when it comes to twitter. It can be so overwhelming. And there are some folks who must spend their whole day tweeting! Their tweets coat my screen as I scroll and, like you, I tend to pay less attention to them than to some of the others. But I always find some useful or at least interesting nuggets of information on twitter. That makes it fun and worth my time. :-)

  2. When I first started using twitter I was not sure of the educational value. I now use twitter as my 24x7 PD tool and it's free. I am glad to see you are using and enjoying the chats.
